Consul-General assures of unwavering commitment
Ranked as one of the leading foreign institutions in the continent the nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MoFA, is steadfastly advancing engagements that are commendable and enhancing its external relations drive and bringing about applaudable and enduring global impact.

Bolstered by visionary leadership and effective workforce, (career staff and appointees-serving and retired), whose devotion are hugely instrumental in ensuring that the ministry achieve its goals and nation-building aspirations.
Moreso, Nigerian Heads of Mission and other diplomatic personnel working in oversea services are tenaciously strengthening the institution’s reachouts through their extraordinary ‘Tour of Duty’ which are inspiring more national development efforts and eliciting growing acknowledgement and acclamation.
And, one of such Heads of Mission who stands out in the delivery of his diplomatic duty and making the nation proud among global colleagues is Ambassador Wahab Adekola Akande.
Amb. Wahab Akande, the current Consul General of the only Consulate General in Europe, the Nigerian Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany, is a man of sterling qualities with ongoing accomplishments that leaves no one in doubt of his capabilities and competence.
Through his focused, compassionate and goal-oriented leadership, Nigerians in diasporas, especially those sojourning in Frankfurt and surrounding cities are now heaving signs of relief with expressions of joys in the improvements of consular operations and other engagements now witnessed in the Frankfurt Consulate.
For them, especially those interviewed by ANIM, during its recent visit led by its Editor-in-Chief, to the Consulate, a leader with a passionate heart, purposeful pursuits, helping hands and one ready to work in alleviating their plights and putting smiles on their faces is now on board. Through his leadership Nigerian citizens in Frankfurt are now closer to their homeland government through salutary representation of the mission more than ever before.
‘We Are Here To Change The Negative Narrative And Ensure Our Citizens Are Treated As Kings And Queens At Their Consulate Here In Frankfurt’ …Amb Akande
Coming from a background and track record of performance and results in his various posting, as recently as his service in the Nigerian Embassy in Belgium, the top Envoy, who now heads the Consulate has a singular focus: to enhance the quality of lives of Nigerians in foreign land, give fellow citizens the sense of belonginess and pride as Nigerians and inv=crease the respectability of the mission.
For him, the welfare and interest of Nigerians living and working abroad should be top concerns of various diplomatic missions. His Excellency Akande is treating Nigerians as Kings and Queens, because that’s what they truly are. He believes royalty and respects with utmost satisfactory services should be accorded to citizens who come to their country’s mission in a foreign land with one form of expectations or another.
Towards this, he has built a team of staff who understands this directive and are ensuring its speedy realizations. Ambassador Akande is also complementing the works of the Embassy in Berlin, and other Nigerian missions in Europe in giving Nigerians abroad the best.
Consular Services:

One of his first and ongoing duties in his current position is to ensure that effective consular service is on ground and running well. Before, his arrival, the Consulate only captures biometrics & data for passports printing and issuance at the Embassy in Berlin. This for him can be improved on and the people’s stress in obtaining passports lessened; and he sets on motions to achieve that. Now, the Consulate has a substantive data capturing and passports printing machine. This implies that Nigerians in Germany no longer need to be in want of passports as both missions (in Berlin & Frankfurt) are fully operational in the areas passports provision to citizenry.
While achieving this feat is not an easy task, Mr. Akande is a man who never believes a undertaking is impossible. When asked during the interview session what it now takes to get a passport at the Consulate, he simply responded “go through the normal/approved channel of application, pay the statutory passports fee as stipulated by the federal government plus a processing fees of 20euros and wait until when you will be promptly contacted that your passport is ready for collection by the Consulate…No third party, no external agents required and no bribery or coercion of any sorts’. “The Consulate is Nigerians home in Frankfurt and they have the right to first class consular services and other inherent national benefits”
Nigerians are now trooping to the Consulate even from neighboring nations to obtain their passports in Frankfurt. Thanks to corresponding supports of the Hon. Minister of foreign Affairs, the Permanent Secretary, Minister of Interior, H.E. Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, the Controller General of Immigration and other relevant authorities
On visa collections, the Envoy is working round the clock with related bodies to ensure that visas are affordable, accessible and accelerated, so that travelers to Nigeria requiring visas can get them as desired and this can also encourage the ease of doing business government policy. Other consular services of the Consulate are going-on seamlessly and those requiring these services need not be unnecessarily burdened, but get fulfillment in their various appointments and interactions.
On People-People Relations
‘Nigeria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MoFA, is steadfastly advancing engagements that are commendable and enhancing its external relations drive thus bringing about applaudable and enduring global impact’…
Consul General Akande is a bridge builder, who believes patriotism, love for country and one another and incorruptible practices are necessary for national unity and progress. Pursuant therefore, his leadership has set out to expand and deepened relations and bring Nigerians together in Frankfurt and neighboring states, irrespective of status, ethnicity, backgrounds and qualifications.
His reachouts and relations are bringing back hope, inclusions, integration and active participations that are rapidly paying off. Now more bodies abroad such as NIDO, Nigerians community in Europe, professional bodies, Elders forum, socio- cultural groups and other Nigerians in these axis are increasingly recognized with broader involvements, and trust and togetherness are once again in place.
Through his leadership laudable summits in various areas of development sectors are being organized. Morealso, among his accomplishments is the first ever Consulate organized Nigeria Cultural Carnival scheduled to hold in September 2022; and massive planning are on to ensure this maiden cultural event becomes a sustainable success.
As a Iover and promoter of A Greater Nigeria, the Envoy wants national leadership to be more closer to the people; citizenry to be more security conscious and avoids criminality in all forms; unity and love to be adopted as the new mantra and Nigerian Onward Advancement (NOA) a global mandate for all.
Here is urging the Consulate General not to relent on his oars. Acclaim Nigeria Int’nal Magazine (ANIM), is proud to associate with the Consulate ongoing achievements and excellence, the progressive leadership on ground, and also salutes its Consul-PESI, Mr. Enojou Solomon, for facilitating the interactive chat at the Consulate.
Long Live The Nigerian Consulate in Frankfurt …Long Live The Federal Republic of Nigeria.
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