Germanys day of National Unity

29th December 2018

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Consul-General Traumann host guests @ the German Consulate General in Lagos

Germany is a key development collaborator and friend of Nigeria’s. The Bundelisga country continues to help Nigeria in the promotions of democracy and governance, peace and security attainments, conflict resolutions, IDPs supports, and re-integration, fight against illegal immigration, job creation, skills acquisition, energy, and environmental management, and trade and economic accelerations, and strategic support. Nigeria acknowledges and appreciates the many inputs of Germany to her progress and values their alliance by ensuring that German growth interests in the country are protected and fostered.

     Towards a strengthened an existing relationship, the German Consulate General in Lagos organized the 2018 reunification day in Lagos on the 3rd of October, 2018.  The Consul-General and wife, His Excellency, Dr. Stefan and Mrs. Daniella Trumann hosted several notable diplomats and very important visitors (VIP) in Lagos and across the nation to a breath-taking 2018 German Day of National Unity, the first of such for the new CG. Dr. Traumann also used the occasion to further introduce himself and comprehensively interacts with Germans living and working in Nigeria, other diplomatic community in Nigeria present and several other persons, groups and corporations.

In his keynote address, the new ambassador said he was pleased to be in Nigeria and promised to increase commerce and bolster Nigeria-Germany Bilateral ties during his tenure.

It was an occasion like never before, and thanks to Mr. Jan Ahrens (and his team), the Consulate-General Press Counselor for a well attended and successful event.

ACCLAIM NIGERIA magazine, a friend of then Consulate-General attended the event and brings some pictorial highlights.

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